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Alert about the riots in France

Alert about the riots in France

No:364/23, Alert about the riots in France




Taking into account the riots taking place in France as a result of the brutal killing of an Algerian teenager by the police, the mass violence committed by the police, civil disobedience, the lack of ability to take adequate measures by the authorities, and further exacerbating racist tendencies, the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan are advised to refrain from visiting the Republic of France unless necessary, and exercise caution by those who are visiting.






Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan currently in France are requested to observe safety and security regulations.






For consular and other questions, our citizens in France are requested to contact the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in France as following:





ADDRESS: 78, avenue d’Iéna Paris 75116

TEL: +33 (0) 1 44 18 60 20

FAX: +33 (0) 1 44 18 60 25

E-MAIL: [email protected]

[email protected]

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