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Countdown to anticipated Karate 1 Series A Jakarta

Countdown to anticipated Karate 1 Series A Jakarta




Countdown to anticipated Karate 1 Series A Jakarta


Countdown to anticipated Karate 1 Series A Jakarta
The universality of Karate will be once again showcased at the upcoming Karate 1-Series A Jakarta. The event is scheduled for November 18 to 20.

As the last Karate 1-Series A event of the season, the 2022 Karate 1-Series A Jakarta represents the last opportunity for top karatekas to earn points to improve their position on the WKF World ranking.

Over 600 karatekas from 65 countries are registered to participate in the event. The tournament starts on Friday, November 18 at the Istora Gelora Bung Karno sports hall in Jakarta. The finals are scheduled for Sunday, November 20.

All the medal bouts of the event on Sunday will be available LIVE on the WKF YouTube channel. CLICK HERE to go to the WKF YouTube channel.

Surprises are expected to take over the competition in Jakarta, as it happened in the previous three Karate 1-Series A events of the season.

Karatekas from Egypt are thus far dominating the series of events since the representatives of the African powerhouse nation of the sport have claimed nine gold medals in three events. Japan and France with three golds each are also registering successful performances. No less than 23 countries have taken home gold medals at the three events of Karate 1-Series A this season, a testament to Karate’s universality.

CLICK HERE to go to the micro-site of the Karate 1-Series A Jakarta.

(Picture: @ JM Rodriguez / RFEK)

