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Egypt prevail on day 1 of UFAK Championships

Egypt prevail on day 1 of UFAK Championships




Egypt prevail on day 1 of UFAK Championships


Egypt prevail on day 1 of UFAK Championships

The representatives of Egypt were the big winners on the opening day of the 2023 UFAK Championships being held in Durban (South Africa).

World champions Ahlam Youssef and Youssef Badawy took the star status on day 1 as they took the flag of Egypt to the top of the podium thus winning back-to-back World and continental crowns.

Ahlam Youssef who is the current World champion in Female Kumite -55kg defeated Louiza Abouriche of Algeria in the final 3-0. Meanwhile, World champion in Male Kumite -84kg Youssef Badawy dominated the final against Tshipata Kalala of the Democratic Republic of Congo 6-0

Olympic Games gold medallist Feryal Abdelaziz also became one of the big names of the day following her victory in Female Kumite -68kg. The Egyptian Olympian champion claimed her second consecutive continental title after beating Danielle Van Wik of South Africa 4-2.

The gold medal count for Egypt started in Cadet Kata Female and Junior Kata Female with the titles going to Mariam Elezaby and Jana Khamis respectively. Former World Junior champion Reem Ahmed Salama claimed the crown for Egypt in Female Kumite -50kg after beating Cylia Oukiene of Algeria in the final (7-3) while World Championships runner-up Menna Shaaban Okila added one more gold for Egypt in Female Kumite +68kg. The two-time continental medallist from Egypt defeated Ndeye Codou Cisse of Senegal in the final 5-0.

Egypt’s success continued in Male divisions as Karim Waleed Ghaly became the champion in Male Kata following a hard-fought victory over Saber Benmekhlouf of Algeria (25.48 to 24.6).

The second title for Egypt in the Male competition came in Male Kumite -60kg, with Karim Abou Etta beating Ali Jina Abdel of Morocco in the final. Meanwhile, Egypt’s Ahmed Aiman Lofty upset Anass Alami of Morocco in the final of Male Kumite -67kg 2-0.

Taha Mahmoud wrapped up the gold medal count for Egypt with the title in Male Kumite +84kg over Hocine Daikhi of Algeria 1-0.

Representatives of Morocco also celebrated triumphs on day 1 as Tijani Lamoum and Rida Abousaid became continental champions in Cadet Kata Male and Junior Kata Male, respectively. Aya En-Nesyry took the crown for Morocco in Female Kata after beating Suzelle Pronk of Namibia in the final (scores of 24.62 to 22.8) while Said Oubaya dominated Male Kumite -75kg (2-0 over Gofaone Mosupiemang of Botswana)

The list of gold medallists on day 1 is complete with Chaima Midi of Algeria who took the crown in Female Kumite -61kg following a 4-1 victory over Wafa Mahjoub of Tunisia.

CLICK HERE to find all the info on the 2023 UFAK Championships including results.
