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Fourth stage of Refereeing Unification project held in Tashkent

Fourth stage of Refereeing Unification project held in Tashkent





Fourth stage of Refereeing Unification project held in Tashkent


Fourth stage of Refereeing Unification project held in Tashkent
The WKF Refereeing Unification project reached its fourth stage in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). On the occasion of the 2022 AKF Karate Championships, the WKF’s working group in charge of the Judging Standardisation project travelled to Tashkent to develop the programme among the WKF referees in Asia.

Headed by WKF Referee Commission chairman Javier Escalante and with project leaders Fariba Madani (WKF Referee Commission Secretary) and Natalia Dajcman (WKF Referee Commission Assistant Secretary) in attendance, the working group aims at unifying all the refereeing procedures of the WKF competitions, from the registration of judges and referee course to the application of rules during the competition.

The project was initiated in May in Gaziantep (Türkiye) during the 2022 EKF Senior Championships. The second stage took place in Mexico where the 2022 PKF Cadet, Junior & U21 Championships were held and continued in Durban (South Africa) for the 2022 UFAK Championships.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“The Refereeing Unification project is one of the most ambitious initiatives implemented by the WKF this year. We hope to achieve a complete standardisation of the judging procedures which will instantly raise the bar of our events even more.

“I want to thank WKF Referee Commission chairman Javier Escalante and his team for the outstanding effort and the successful implementation of the project in major WKF events throughout the year.”

(Top picture: the WKF working group headed by WKF Referee Commission chairman Javier Escalante pose with the AKF Referee Commission)


All the referees officiating at the AKF Karate Championships pose in Tashkent.
