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Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated International Navruz

Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated International Navruz

Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated International Navruz






On March 30, 2024, a solemn event was held at the cultural and entertainment complex “Navruz Palace” on the occasion of the International Navruz Holiday with the participation of the leadership of the Ministry and the diplomatic corps.

During the event, guests visited the halls of Oinabandi, Guliston, Zarandud, Arzhang and Didor of the Navruz Palace, and got acquainted with the exhibition of folk crafts and ancient customs of the Tajik people.

The exhibition featured samples of chakan, atlas and adras, instruments for singing and music, paintings, ancient artifacts, national costumes and the Navruz festive table.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sirojiddin Muhriddin, congratulating the gathered on the occasion of Navruz holiday noted: “Tajikistan and other countries of the Navruz basin and even beyond have been celebrating for more than ten days with joy and merriment, reviving like nature, getting rid of fatigue and meeting the New Year of ancestors with new creative power, with hope for a good future, with the intention of peace, tranquility and good neighborliness”.

The event concluded with a concert program dedicated to the celebration of the International Navruz Holiday.




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