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Participation in the exhibition “Crafting a Better World” in Geneva

Participation in the exhibition “Crafting a Better World” in Geneva




Participation in the exhibition “Crafting a Better World” in Geneva


The UN Office in Geneva opened the exhibition “Creating a Better World” on October 24, 2023, on the occasion of United Nations Day.




The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva has showcased Chakan, national embroidery art inscribed on UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2018, at the exhibition.




The event was aimed to recognize and support the importance of handicraft around the globe promote culture as an instrument of dialogue among the nations.




The visitors were briefed about the country’s national traditions, in particular it has been mentioned that Chakan is a kind of folk handicraft that has a very ancient history and is closely related to the life, customs and spiritual world of the Tajik people.

The exhibition will continue until November 10.




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