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Participation in the Paris Peace Forum

Participation in the Paris Peace Forum




Participation in the Paris Peace Forum





On November 10, 2023, the next Paris Peace Forum was held in Paris with the participation of heads of state and government, high-ranking representatives of countries, heads of international institutions and non-governmental organizations, which was attended by the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sirojiddin Muhriddin.





The participants exchanged views on current issues, reducing international tension and strengthening peace and prosperity, such as global governance, combating climate change, solving transboundary problems, joint management of World Heritage sites, international regulation of cybersecurity, countering information fraud, as well as on other topics.




The work of the current Paris Forum covers 4 thematic sectors of peace and security, including Protecting the Planet and People, Ensuring Trust and Security in the Digital World, Eliminating Inequalities and Accelerating Achievement of the SDGs, and Creating Peace and Building a Safer World and approval of 60 submitted projects for this purpose.




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