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Press Release Regarding Israel’s Illegal Settlement Activities in the Palestinian Territories and Developments in Jenin Refugee Camp

Press Release Regarding Israel’s Illegal Settlement Activities in the Palestinian Territories and Developments in Jenin Refugee Camp




No: 158, 13 May 2022, Press Release Regarding Israel’s Illegal Settlement Activities in the Palestinian Territories and Developments in Jenin Refugee Camp
We condemn the decisions taken by the Israeli authorities yesterday (12 May) for the approval of 25 new projects consisting of 4.427 new housing units in the West Bank, and for legitimization of “Mitzpeh Dani” and “Oz V’gaon” outposts, which are considered illegal even under Israeli law.

Such unilateral steps increase tension in the region and destroy the ground for peace.

We call on Israel to end its actions that contravene international law and established UN parameters, while also endangering the process of a two-state solution.

Furthermore, we reiterate our expectation that the events resulted in the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shereen Abu Aqleh and the injury of another journalist in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank on May 11 will be clarified through an open, impartial and comprehensive investigation and that those responsible will be brought to justice as soon as possible.
