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Press Release Regarding the Attack Targeting the Holy Quran and Our Glorious Flag in Denmark

Press Release Regarding the Attack Targeting the Holy Quran and Our Glorious Flag in Denmark





No: 84, 25 March 2023, Press Release Regarding the Attack Targeting the Holy Quran and Our Glorious Flag in Denmark

We condemn in the strongest terms the vile attack targeting our holy book, the Quran, and our glorious flag in Denmark in the afternoon of 24 March.

Giving permission to this heinous act, which is a hate crime, under the guise of freedom of expression is completely unacceptable.

This act, which was carried out in Ramadan, has once again clearly revealed that Islamophobia, discrimination and xenophobia have reached an alarming level in Europe and that no lessons have been learned from the past.

The Danish authorities were informed that we strongly condemn and protest this act.





We call on Danish authorities to take necessary actions against the perpetrators of this hate crime and to take concrete measures in order to prevent such provocations which target social peace and culture of peaceful coexistence.
