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Press Release Regarding the Latest Developments in the Context of Israel-Palestine

Press Release Regarding the Latest Developments in the Context of Israel-Palestine





No: 247, 7 October 2023, Press Release Regarding the Latest Developments in the Context of Israel-Palestine





We are deeply concerned about the violence and tension occurred in Israel and Palestine today (October 7).





We attach high importance to the restoration of calm in the region as soon as possible, and strongly condemn the loss of civilian lives. We underline that acts of violence and associated escalations will not benefit anyone, and call on the parties to act with restraint and avoid impulsive steps.





As Türkiye, we are always ready to contribute to the best of our ability to ensure that these developments can be taken under control before they escalate further and spread to a wider area. In this regard, we continue our intensive contacts with the relevant parties.




These sad developments once again show the importance of the two-state solution vision. We call on the parties to renounce the use of force and work for a lasting solution in line with this vision without further delay.
