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Press Release Regarding the Political Consultations within the Organization of the Turkic States

Press Release Regarding the Political Consultations within the Organization of the Turkic States



No: 243, 3 October 2023, Press Release Regarding the Political Consultations within the Organization of the Turkic States





Multilateral political consultations will be held at the Deputy Foreign Ministers level in Istanbul on October 4, 2023, within the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Burak Akçapar will represent Türkiye in the consultations.




During the consultations, the participants will exchange views on the preparations for the 10th OTS Summit to be hosted by Kazakhstan, areas of cooperation on the OTS agenda, issues regarding the strengthening of OTS, and current regional and international issues concerning the Turkic World.





On this occasion, Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Akçapar will also hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts from OTS member states.
