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Malatya °C

“The Manzikert is the first step towards all the other victories we have had in our geography”

“The Manzikert is the first step towards all the other victories we have had in our geography”




“The Manzikert is the first step towards all the other victories we have had in our geography”

Yazdır Yazıları Büyült Yazıları Küçült




“The Manzikert is the first step towards all the other victories we have had in our geography”
Addressing a ceremony commemorating the 951st anniversary of the Manzikert Victory, President Erdoğan said: “The Manzikert is a victory of not only Turks but of the whole Islamic World and Muslims as well. The Manzikert is the mother and the prolific spring of and the first step towards all the other victories we have had in our geography.”



President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the 951st anniversary celebrations of the Manzikert Victory.

“It is not for nothing that we so keenly concentrate on the Manzikert and work strenuously to explain this victory to our youth while there are countless other victories in the Turkish history. The reason is that the Manzikert is a victory of not only Turks but of the whole Islamic World and Muslims as well. The Manzikert is the mother and the prolific spring of and the first step towards all the other victories we have had in our geography,” said the President.


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