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Where to watch #Karate1Pamplona

Where to watch #Karate1Pamplona

Where to watch #Karate1Pamplona

The thrill of the best Karate arrives in Pamplona (Spain) this weekend where the first Karate 1-Series A event of the year will take place. The final day of the competition will be available LIVE on the WKF YouTube channel.

Fans can catch all the action from Pamplona as it happens as the medal bouts of the event will be available by streaming on the WKF YouTube channel.

CLICK HERE to go to the WKF YouTube channel.

The programme will start on Sunday, January 30th (local time) with the bronze medal bouts. The finals are scheduled for Sunday, January 30th from 14.30 to 18.00 (local time). All the key moments of the event will therefore be available LIVE and FREE for fans to follow on the WKF YouTube channel.

The Karate 1-Series A Pamplona is the first event of its kind this year. Over 800 athletes from 64 countries are registered to participate in the massive event.

CLICK HERE to go to the WKF YouTube channel.
