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WKF Executive Committee meets ahead of momentous World Congress

WKF Executive Committee meets ahead of momentous World Congress





WKF Executive Committee meets ahead of momentous World Congress


WKF Executive Committee meets ahead of momentous World Congress
The Executive Committee of the World Karate Federation today met in Konya (Turkiye) ahead of the WKF World Congress to take place on October 25th.

The main point on the agenda was preparing the plenary session of Karate’s international governing body. The 2022 WKF World Congress will be crucial for the organisation as the election of Executive Committee members and President will be held later today.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“Karate is experiencing phenomenal growth, so much so that our sport is now considered one of the most popular and ground-breaking disciplines in the world. All this progress has been achieved thanks to your hard work and cooperation. For that, I will always be grateful.

“Now it is the time to continue working together to keep taking our sport to greater heights.”


Progress reports on the World Championships in Konya, and refereeing and membership issues were also on top of the agenda. Karate’s decision-making body also reviewed the sports calendar for 2023 and the strategic planning for future World Championships.

The WKF Congress will meet on Tuesday afternoon with many key topics for the sport to be decided.

